Testarea penetrării și apărarea securității cibernetice

Over the years, the demand for penetration testing has increased substantially as businesses have recognized the need to provide assurance that they are protected from internal or external threats.

We base our approach on the preposition that an information asset’s value, threats, and vulnerabilities represent the level of risk associated with that asset. As the significance of any of these factors increases, the relevant risk also increases. Conversely, reducing any of these factors reduced the risk. All these factors must be understood before it is possible to assess risk in a reliable manner. Our penetration studies assess and quantify threats and vulnerabilities associated with specific target environments.

Our penetration testing services provide you with an independent and objective security assessment of your IT systems, clearly highlighting the security risk to corporate and customer data from both external and internal threats. Only by emulating real-life threat agents, such as disgruntled employees, external hackers and cyber attackers, can the true technical risks inherent in IT systems be identified to then facilitate identification of the necessary mitigating controls to be implemented.

bankIO services include:

  • Application security testing;
  • Network infrastructure security testing; and
  • People security testing.


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