PSD2 PISP – Payment Initiation Service Provider
Pentru ca un furnizor de servicii financiare să fie pe deplin autorizat prin PSD2 să utilizeze API-urile Open Banking, acesta trebuie să fie înregistrat ca fiind unul dintre sau ambele dintre următoarele.
AISP – Stands for Account Information Service Provider
PISP – Stands for Payment Initiation Service Provider
What can PISP’s do?
Businesses that are authorised PISP’s can ask for permission to connect to a bank account and initiate payments on the customer’s behalf, from their bank account.
There are a number of reasons why you might want a business to be able to initiate payments for you, for example, an app that helps you manage money in your various savings and current accounts to ensure you never go over-drawn and don’t have to pay potentially hefty overdraft fees. It’s possible to expect this type of capability in retail, where you allow a company that you shop regularly online with to connect to your bank so you get instant checkout and don’t need to re-enter card details for every transaction.
Aplicație demonstrativă TPP de inițiere a plății
TPP Payment initiation reference application
The web reference application shows how to build an end-to-end Payment initiation reference application with multiple types of services, combining a product catalog and a checkout page with a PSD2 payment initiation user journey to construct a complete solution.
The context of this sample is a web-based store with a customer order and payment initiation management back-end. Logical parts of the management back-end are represented by individual services, allowing loose coupling of functionality and independently-upgradeable components:
- Customer Order Service
- Inventory Service
- Web front-end Service
- ASPSP API aggregation
- Payment initiation
- Payment funds confirmation
- Payment submission
- Decontarea plății
Folosind agregarea API BankIO’s Link , frontendul menține o singură conexiune la agregator, mai degrabă decât să se bazeze pe implementarea unei integrări API pentru fiecare ASPSP. Acest lucru permite frontend-ului să se scaleze independent utilizând agregarea API BankIO’s Link pentru a îndeplini cerințele sale unice pentru capacitatea și randamentul datelor.